Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Muslims: Where, in the Qu'ran only, does it give any indication that makeup (cosmetics) is haram?

Muslims: Where, in the Qu'ran only, does it give any indication that makeup (cosmetics) is haram? (To be worn in public places)Muslims: Where, in the Qu'ran only, does it give any indication that makeup (cosmetics) is haram?
This question was also asked here and they received many answers:;鈥?/a>Muslims: Where, in the Qu'ran only, does it give any indication that makeup (cosmetics) is haram?
I believe the injuction against make-up worn in public falls under the command for a woman not to display her accessories to those other than her husbands and mahram or family members as defined in Islam.

In Surah an-Nur (The Light) Verse 31: '; And say to the believing women (mu'minat) to lower their gaze and safeguard their modesty/morality/dignity (furuujahunna)and do not reveal their embelishments/jewellery/accessories (ziinatahunna), except what is naturally(liyu'ulatihinna) seen from it, and to lower their shawls/scarves down their necks. Do not reveal your embelishments/jewellery/accessories (ziinatahunna), except to your husbannds... or children who are yet to develop their sexual desires. Do not walk while making movements such that it is known to others of her anklet...'; Please refer to the English Quran for the complete verse.

So wearing make-up is part of beautifying herself, and since a woman is not born with make-up on her face, it is something not naturally seen. I believe this is the arguement for scholars to say that showing the face per se (without makeup) in the public is allowed.

Also since she is not allowed to call attention to herself through the sounds of her anklets (which in Asian countries are often fitted with small bells) by making extreme movements, all the more it is inferred that showing a beautifully made up face in public is not allowed, strictly speaking.

However, we find that cultures differ in carrying out this, where in certain Arab countries, even the showing of the women's face in public is frowned upon. While in others, it is common to see women applying touches of make-up without being suggestive of wanting to call for men's attention to her face.

And Allah knows Best.
Many muslims women have their make up on more than non muslim, they normally have very dark eye shadow which makes them more attractive to their man.
It doesn't. The only specification is to dress modestly.
don't listen to fanatism....

should be ok to use make up, if there is no bad intention

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