Thursday, December 10, 2009

What type of major/minor should you pursue for implant and cosmetic dentistry specifically?

Any dentist can perform implant and cosmetic dentistry. You don't have to be a specialist. Continuing education courses and training provide you with the knowledge and expertiseWhat type of major/minor should you pursue for implant and cosmetic dentistry specifically?
Yeah anyone can perform it but that does not mean that it will turn out great. I have worked as a dental assistant for 13 years and can tell you, that you should find someone that has done heaps of them. I mean Implant surgery is surgery in the mouth that involves drilling away some bone and exact measuring to make an implant that will be successful. I have worked with a dentist that did implants and had dome some 800 of them now he was pretty good, if you go to an Oral surgeon he might only have done 20 - so i think just go with someone that has a portfolio so to speak. Have an extensive consultation and ask for pictures, photos and cases that he has completed and can show you. As with anything Implanst are not 100% guaranteed, but they are great. In regard to cosmetic dentistry again true that any dentist can do it, but someone that has specifically done cosmetic dentistry will be better than someone that does a bit of this and a bit of that.

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